Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rich (rhymes with rich)

This darned recession is hitting everyone. Even Marie Douglas-David.

She’s the soon-to-be-former-wife of ex-United Technologies Corp. chief executive George David, who’s worth an estimated $329 million.

Sadly, the match made in heaven has come down to earth. It's Splitsville.

Maybe the age difference had something to do with it. He’s 67. She’s 36.

Can you say “gold digger?”

Anyhoo, the little lady wants a little something to help her get by.

She did sign a pre-nup in 2005 that guarantees her $43 million, but she says that’s not enough.

Says her weekly expenses are $53,000. Weekly.

Gee whiz, Marie, can’t ya cut some corners?

For example:

-- Stop having fresh shrimp flown in from France each morning.

-- Take the solid gold dishes to the pawn shop and see what you can get. (Don't haggle.)

-- Contrary to what your friends at the club say, you do not need a different Rolls for each day of the week.

-- Ditto for the mansions. Cut down to five or six houses scattered across the globe and stick a “for sale” sign on the front lawn of the others.

-- Set a firm budget for your next trip to Aspen — say, $750,000 — and stick to it!

I could go on, but then I’d be a financial consultant and I’d have to charge an hourly rate. I don’t think she wants another bill.


Anonymous said...

As the old gag says, "Honey, we know what you ARE; we're just negotiating the price."

Anonymous said...

I can hear her now: ' A "bill'? What is this "BILL" thing? Someone wants money? From Me? Why would I do that if I'm not even married to it?

Anonymous said...

Is this part of the stimulus package?