Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Unhappy hooker

Maria Mosterd is miffed.

A Dutch court just rejected her lawsuit against her former high school. She says it didn’t do enough to stop her from becoming a prostitute.

No, that is not a misprint.

Mixed-up Maria says the real cause of her unhappy career choice is that many pimps in the Netherlands hang around schools and look for vulnerable girls like her to exploit.

Maria’s mom even said, “This happens at many schools, and nobody takes responsibility for it. We hoped we would win to make the point that this is going on at schools.”

Mama mia, Maria!

Maybe the pimp problem is as bad as she says and something ought to be done about it. But the person who needs to “take responsibility” for her sleazy sideline would be ... none other than Maria herself!

Ya see, the job of schools is to teach readin’, writin’ and ‘rithmatic (curiously referred to as the 3 R’s even though only one of those words begins with an R).

Thank God one Dutch court struck a blow for common sense, even though common sense doesn’t always prevail in the halls of justice.

As for Maria the misfit, she and her moronic mom are in need of some further education.

I would suggest a remedial course in “It’s My Life 101.”


Forest Park 75 said...

It's always somebody else's fault! In the words of R. B. Greaves, "So take a letter, Maria".

Anne said...

" Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ces't soi?

With apologies for spelling errors.

Mack said...

It's George Bush's fault.