Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tiger hunting

I’m gonna go waaaay out on a limb here and guess that Tiger Woods is not a happy camper.

He’s just been “discovered” again, and like the last time, not in a good way.

The celeb Web site says the next issue of – what else? – the National Enquirer will have photos of Tiger at a rehab clinic in Mississippi.

Apparently, the rumors are true: The world’s top golfer is being treated for sexual addiction.

Yikes. It’s hard to remember anyone else who fell this far this fast.

But Tiger had to see this one coming since the bombshell burst. He can run but he can’t hide from all the cameras in the world.

He’s managed to stay in Howard Hughes-like seclusion for nearly two months. It’s a miracle he lasted that long, but of course the end was inevitable.

As annoyed as he may be at being outed here, he needs to get used to it.
It won’t end, unless …

Unless he sits down with Oprah or Larry King or somebody like that and address his little problems head on.

If he doesn’t, every other encounter with the media will circle back to, ahem, his private “ladies tour.”

If he does, he can smile – through gritted teeth – and say, “Sorry, guys, but I’ve already addressed that and I’m trying to move forward.”

What a mess he’s made of an incredible life.

Tiger needs to understand he can’t get a Mulligan here.

He needs to play this one where it landed, even if it’s in a truly icky place.

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