Tuesday, January 12, 2010

N B See TV

What a mess. NBC has too many late night comedians and not enough time slots for them.

Tsk, tsk. The Peacock Network should adopt the following rotating schedule to bring peace in our time:

Monday, Jay Leno at 10:30 p.m. (leading with the “headlines” bit, even though it often includes restaurant menus or product labels), followed by Conan O’Brien at 11:30 (with hot young actresses plugging current movies) and Jimmy Fallon at 12:30 (with rock bands you’ve never heard of).

Tuesday, Conan at 10:30, (featuring one of those of those bits where he goes into a goofy store and says goofy things), followed by Leno at 11:30 (with old male actors like Harrison Ford plugging current movies) and Jimmy Fallon at 12:30 (featuring one of those bits where he brings audience members onstage for hilarious competitions).

Wednesday, Jimmy Fallon leads off at 10:30 (with hot young singers plugging current albums), then Conan at 11:30 (featuring “In the Year 2000”) and then at 12:30 reruns of “The Best of Carson.”

Thursday, Jay Leno at 10:30 (featuring a Jaywalking bit), then Jimmy Fallon jumping up to 11:30 (with hot young actresses plugging current TV shows) and then Conan at 12:30 with a “serious” interview of a politician, but not someone old and boring like John McCain or Joe Biden.

Friday, Conan at 10:30 (with a bit where he takes over the Universal tour bus and does zany things), Leno at 11:30 (with an old rock band making a reunion tour) and then reruns of the Tom Snyder Show from the ‘70s with segments like that interview with a young George Bush (the first one, not the second one).

There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?


Anonymous said...

I think you meant See B.S.

Galoshes WD-40 said...

Edward R. Murrow, thou should'st be living at this hour.

(a tip of the cap to Keats)

Anne said...

Or just change the entire concept of late night TV and let them all go and do and entire late night line up of black and white westerns and Andy Griffin reruns. This would be targeted for viewers needing a non addictive sleeping device.
Or, aiming for another audience, a lineup of great comedy reruns, like WKRP In Cincinnati,Cheers and I love Lucy.
Really, programming ain't brain surgery.