Friday, December 18, 2009

Tiger's troubles

When Tigergate broke, all the taking heads assured us it wouldn't affect Tiger Woods' "marketability" or his "brand."

That was a dozen bimbos ago.

This thing is getting raunchier than a bachelor party at a biker bar.

Every day seems to bring another trashy gal, another sordid twist, another tease about nude photos of Tiger or romps in his own home or God knows what.

If a fourth of this stuff turns out to be true, Tiger's image will not recover. Nor should it.

And keep in mind we are still in the early stages of this soap opera. The tell-all books, the revealing interviews, the divorce drama have not even begun. 2010 could be the real Year of the Tiger.

Well before this onslaught, it has slowly sunk in to John and Jane Q. Public that Tiger had a Jekyl and Hyde personality.

It is hard to remember any celebrity who had a bigger difference between his squeaky clean public persona and his nasty private life.

Some day Tiger will presumably go back to winning tournaments and cementing his reputation as the greatest golfer ever.

But it will never be the same.


Anne said...

Thomas, your "read more" thingy doesn't seem to work. I've had the same problem with your posts before.

Anne said...

Check out today's obits, the first four. Surely this is the ONE thing a paper should be able to get right.One might be excused as an error, but four? No.

Mack said...

Well, yeah, but at least Tiger Woods is not a United States senator.