Monday, December 07, 2009

Back in the saddle

Like "Dugout Doug," I have returned.

Only not to the Philippines, but to bloggery.

Speaking of time off, does this ever happen to you?

When you're getting ready for a "stay-cation," you wonder how you will fill the time.

When it's over, you wonder how it zipped by so fast and why you didn't get everything done.


That's all for now.

Something profound and provocative will be posted later. I hope.


Anne said...

How's about if you didn't get ANYTHING done. Say, you spent the entire time flopped out in front of the tube, in your underwear and a ripped T shirt with a bevy of empty beer cans stacked beside the recliner and one still cool-ish one in hand?
All those "projects" and "tasks" piled up in the garage and tacked to the little corkboard in the kitchen? What about them? Do you think all that stuff really missed you?
Eh. Who knows.

Sven the Viking said...

'Bout time you got to work. You ain't a BISD executive, ya know.

Massive Ferguson said...

Anne, stop talkin' 'bout my people!