Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Cash candidate

I guess the words “normal” and “Texas governor” just can’t seem to find themselves in the same sentence.

Don’t take my word for it; ask Farouk Shami.

He is, if you’ve been waiting for a white knight, the latest person/character/candidate to make a run for the governor’s mansion. (Which, if I recall correctly, is gutted, unoccupied and burned.)

Shami is described as a wealthy “hair care executive.” This is ironic because the current guv, Rick Perry, is sometimes called Gov. Goodhair.

Anyhoo, Shami says he will spend $10 million of his own money to oust Perry. With all that cash, you might think he’s an Elephant, but he will run under the Donkey banner.

Shami says he is “100 percent sure” he will be the next guv. I would put his odds a little lower. OK, a lot lower.

Let’s face it, the man does not have name recognition. And the name he has is not yer basic Texan.

When some Texans hear “Shami,” they’ll think “Shamwow.”

My advice would be to rethink this whole thing and save $10 mil. His kids will thank him for it.

At this rate, Kinky Friedman could end up as the most trustworthy candidate.

And you thought politics was boring.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Thank God for a boring governor. He minds the store, his wife knows where he is at night, and he stands tall for Texas.