Monday, November 16, 2009

Army brat

I have a bad feeling about this one.

I fear that Army Spc. Alexis Hutchinson is going to come out of this one a hero or a victim, when the only person she can blame for this mess is herself.

Hutchinson is an Army cook and a single mom. Bad combination, especially since her unit was supposed to deploy to Afghanistan.

Hutchinson didn’t make the flight because she would have had to turn over her 10-month-old son to foster care. She didn't have anyone else who could take care of him -- like a husband.

In one sense, that bites. Who would want to give up his/her kid?

But, hey, Hutchinson didn’t work in just any job. She was in the military. As such, she should have known from Day One that having a baby without a husband could create some major problems.

But I guess we’re long past the days when you could lay down common-sense rules and expect people to follow them.

Today, everybody has a right to everything. If you deny anything to anyone, you’re the bad guy.

Sure, unwed births happen. But as much as possible, every child should grow up in a stable home with a mommy and a daddy.

That’s good for the woman, the man, and most importantly, the innocent child.

In this case, it's also good for the U.S. Army

FEEDBACK: Whaddya think? Does she deserve sympathy or a court martial?


Anonymous said...

no family available anywhere in the country? no friends she grew up with to help out? she chose to have a child without a father, and she should bear the responsibility. she should have been making arrangements for childcare long before that baby was born, knowing it was possible she would be deployed. it's not the military's responsibility to babysit kids for unwed parents. she made a choice, she needs to step up and take responsibility for her actions. key word: responsibility

Unknown said...

It is unforgivable for an unwed woman to give birth to a child if there is any chance there will be no means to support it no matter her position - military or otherwise. It is unforgivable for a man to father a child and not stick around to care for it. A family is a mother and a father and a child deserves that - anything less is wrong wrong wrong. We should stop rewarding those irresponsible females and start getting down down down on the worthless males.

Galoshes WD40 said...

1. Some recruiters still lie.
2. The oath, however, is very clear.
3. A single parent cannot be a soldier.
4. Court-martial and dishonorable discharge for deliberately missing movement.