Monday, April 13, 2009

Swordplay, the sequel

Faithful readers of this blog will recall my intriguing post last Thursday about the elderly woman in Indianapolis who was killed, of all ways, after intervening in a sword fight between relatives.

(OK, maybe “intriguing” is too strong a word there. Whatever.)

What’s really important is that … a second person has died from the swordplay!

A 69-year-old guy also went on to his greater reward from the same Cutlass Contest that claimed the 77-year-old lady.

(Irrelevant blog factoid: The combined age of the deceased in this incident is 146. As Ross Perot used to say, “Fascinating.”)

The guilty party here is a 39-year-old man.

They say chivalry is dead, and I believe it. This clown was fighting a guy 30 years older than him. No wonder he won.

Heck, he probably used the old lady as a shield to lunge at the old guy. And the old lady was his grandmother! The cad!

Anyway, he was already charged with attempted murder. Now that Victim No. 2 is no longer with us, the “attempted” part of that charge gets dropped.

Serves him right. I hope the wheels of justice grind him up and spit him out.

At least he can’t claim, “I swear, your honor, I didn’t know it was loaded.”


Mack said...

Surely this is an outtake from a lost episode of THE PRISONER in which #2 challenges #6's mom to a duel for his soul. Or his cool blazer with the white piping.

Anonymous said...

Aw, heck, man, we just call this Saturday night in Hardin County.

Sven the Viking

Mack said...

I didn't know this 'blog could be so cutting edge.