Friday, April 03, 2009

Still in the dog house

You gotta hand it to Michael Vick. Always the optimist, always looking ahead.

At a bankruptcy hearing in Virginia on Friday, the 28-year-old former quarterback says he still has a long future in the NFL.

“If I keep my body in shape, and do the right things, I think I have maybe 10 or 12 more years in my career,” he said.

“Of course in dog years, that’s even longer,” he added.

(OK, I made up that last part. But I bet he was thinking it.)


Mack said...

The NFL is to real football what John Edwards is to Jeffersonian democracy.

The ONLY real football is high school football; after that it is little more than racketeering.

Anonymous said...

Mack, you say racketeering as if that were a bad thing.

Sven the Viking

Mack said...

Maybe he can get a job as Reveille's keeper at A & M.

Anonymous said...

Hey, man, how fur are ya goin' with this?

Sven the Viking

Anonymous said...

Stop doggin' th' man!

Sven the Viking

Mack said...

Perhaps I should PAWS and rethink my comments.