Thursday, January 29, 2009

Movin' on

It’s official: We’re all in the wrong place.

A new survey by the Pew Center revealed that almost half of all Americans would like to live somewhere else in America.

A majority of city dwellers would like to live in suburbs, small towns or the country.

Detroit, Cleveland and Cincinnati got the fewest votes as big cities where people wanted to live. (No surprise there with Motown and The Mistake By The Lake, but Cincinnati?)

In none of the big cities included in the survey did a majority of their residents actually want to live there.

Despite all this dissatisfaction and restlessness, eight of 10 people surveyed rated the place they live as excellent.

Even though a big chunk of them want to get out of Dodge.

… I think we’ve all learned a lesson here: Most surveys don’t make sense.

FEEDBACK: Where do you want to live?


Anonymous said...

Most of the year in God's woods here in East Texas, but July, August, and September on God's island, Newfoundland.

-- Mack

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mack, know any good Newfie jokes? Har! Har!

-- Sven the Viking