Thursday, January 15, 2009

Crude but effective

We all know that police officers shouldn’t break the law.

We all know they should provide a wholesome, uplifting example to the low-lifes -- I mean, socially disadvantaged suspects -- they come across.

Still, deep down inside, isn’t it strangely satisfying to read that:

Four teenagers say police in a northern Mexican town spray-painted their hair, shoes and buttocks to teach them not to paint graffiti on public property.”

Yeah, yeah, I know. If you let cops spraypaint vandals, well, then, pretty soon something really bad will happen.

True enough. … But I doubt those kids will be into graffiti any more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I propose that the artists be released if they can actually spell "grra...""graffiitt..."...never mind.

-- Mack