Friday, August 22, 2008


This was blogged Friday night, so I hope Sen. Barack Obama hasn’t chosen his running mate yet when you read this. The latest word was The Big Text Message would go out Saturday morning.

Four main finalists have emerged toward the end. Two would be good choices, two would be bad.

The baddies are Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware.

Actually, Bayh is a more of a so-so choice. He’s not good because he so bland ... but he’s not too bad because he is so bland.

Biden, on the other hand, will not help Obama — not that he probably needs it. Biden is a windbag little known outside of the Northeast, which Obama has in his backpocket anyway.

The two good choices would be Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.

My prediction is that Obama will raise Kaine. That brings him Virginia, a state Republicans had been winning, and makes John McCain’s odds even longer in the fall.

Sebelius would help Obama woo the millions of frustrated females who backed Hillary. This is a key point:

If Obama doesn’t name a woman as VP and McCain does, November could be a lot more interesting than it is looking now.


Anonymous said...

Senator Obama is certainly self-destructive in his choice of the arrogant, patronizing, "My IQ is higher than yours" Senator Biden. As Churchill is said to have said (one wonders if quotes attributed to Churchill are any more accurately sourced than those from Hillary's mythological African village) of another arrogant politician, "There but for the grace of God goes God."

-- Mack

Anonymous said...

"Behold His mighty text message!"

In The Sunday Enterprise I read that the's text message says: "Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden..."

Except for a directive from God, that should have said "Barack has invited Senator Joe Biden..."

But then, I'm one of perhaps only ten men in East Texas who isn't a preacher, so what do I know?

-- Mack

Matty D said...

Biden is a baddie? How so? And how awesome is it that we can now expect to see "Joe-Bama!" and "Joe-Bama-polooza!" bumper stickers?

Anonymous said...

Don't mess with Joe; he'll ram his Rosary beads or his hair plugs down your throat!

But...but..."Joe-Bama" bumper stickers -- The Horror! The Horror!

- Mack