Friday, August 29, 2008

Gustav's gusts

Gustav, Gustav, go away
Ruin someone else’s day.

OK, so it’s not great poetry.

But it’s hard to be inspired as we once again eye a monster hurricane heading toward us — or near us.

The eggheads say it won’t be until Monday before we have a decent idea of where Gustav will go to ground. Happy Labor Day.

I though Rita was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Humberto and Edouard must not have gotten the memo.

I’m in the same boat as a lot of folks: Too many people and animals to evacuate vs. a strong desire to avoid 90 mph winds followed by loss of power and water.

I hate to see anyone gutted by Gustav. But since it’s going to hit somewhere on the Gulf Coast, it needs to pick a relatively unpopulated part, like south-central Louisiana.

Please, Lord, send it there.

One more time,
spare me and mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This morning I bought a few items in the Market Basket in Mauriceville, and listened to all the old gas-bags posturing about how they wouldn't run away.

The best and wisest comment was from the nice young checkout person who asked me if I were evacuating. I replied that I was going to wait and see. She said "I have to evacuate, and I'm going to do so after work: I have an eight-month-old."

Just so. Children first, ego second.

-- Mack