Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Well, haw, haw, haw.

The mighty Starbucks chain is leaking like a cheap plastic cup.

It will have to close 600 (!) of its stores — most of which were opened only two years ago.

Did they think we consumers were stupid? Did they think we would pay $4 or $5 for a fancy cup of coffee?

Who could be that dumb?

… Well, me. And you. And you. And most of the other folks reading this blog.

Admit it, Starbuckians. You loved the chain’s cachet, the silly labels like “venti,” the pseudo-inspirational sayings on the cups.

This wasn’t a bitter cup of Joe in a gritty diner. Starbucks made a lowly drink glamorous. At Starbucks, you were hip and trendy, like Bill Gates and the Internet millionaires in Seattle.

Alas, $4 gas has trumped $4 coffee. It’s back to homemade brew, or maybe McDonald’s in the morning. (I love the lid on their small cup with that hinged flap.)

Maybe Bill Gates can drink more java to keep Starbucks going. At least he can afford it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Starbuck's always tasted rather acrid and burnt to me, tho' I occasionally bought a cuppa at the book store and drenched it with milk. What ripped it with me was Starbuck's promoting Joni Mitchell's anti-Catholicism. A good, fresh cup of gas-station coffee is better and cheaper than Starbuck's, and it doesn't come with weird accusations of secret prisons.

-- Mack