Friday, May 14, 2010

Tar balls: good or bad?

As the oil spill in the Gulf gets worse, it gets crazier too.

The latest twist is reports of 8-inch (!) tar balls on a Louisiana beach.

Nearby, a biologist found about “25 nickel-sized tar balls per square foot.”

Wow; that’s a lot of crude.

But when it balls up, at least it’s easier to clean up.

Sort of, of course. It’s still incredibly icky and gooey, but at least it’s not floating in the Gulf or evaporating into the air we breathe.

BP should offer a bounty for every tar ball that Gulf residents can turn in. Let’s say a buck a pound just to make it worthwhile.

Then in could refine that goo into gasoline, which of course was the original plan.

Too difficult? Too costly?

Not at all. Simply tell BP execs that unless they make this deal, coastal residents will be legally allowed to throw said tar balls at them any time they want.

I have a feeling that might make them more agreeable – and more motivated to plug this leak once and for all so the final cleanup can begin.


Massive Ferguson said...

I love freedom of movement, and so I love gasoline. Because I love gasoline I love Big Oil -- after all, government does not facilitate my freedom of movement; government hinders it by taxation. Even so, British Petroleum seems no more concerned for the safety of its employees than 19th century Big Rail or Big Timber.

Galoshes WD40 said...

Tar ball -- this could be a new sport. Do you hit a tar ball with a bat or do you kick it? Extra points if it burns in the end zone?

Poncy Tworbt, MA and Grief Counselor said...

This is all George Bush's fault!

Mack said...

Tar balls are good, especially when broiled.