Monday, May 03, 2010

Once again, a bullet dodged

Let’s face it: We got very lucky with the car bomb in Times Square.

Just like the failed underpants bombing on the Christmas Day flight.

And Lord knows how many other close calls.

On the one hand, you have to be incredibly grateful for these breaks.

In both cases, many, many people would have been murdered.

But you have to wonder: How much longer can our luck hold?

Terrorists are evil, not stupid. Pretty soon, they’re going to figure out how make a bomb go off when it’s supposed to.

Tragically, they do it all the time in other places.

The car-bomb approach is particularly scary. We can search airplane passengers. We can’t watch every parked car.

Sure, your odds of being next to it when it goes off are a million to one. But somebody’s son or daughter, mother or father will be there.

Real life isn’t like TV, where Jack Bauer of “24” nabs the bad guy in the nick of time.

Most of the time, the bad guy commits his crime, and we try to catch him afterward.

This time, we got lucky. Eventually, our luck will run out.

When it does, our prayers won’t be those of thanksgiving. They will be those of mourning.


Massive Ferguson said...

Just so. Do read the KORAN, everyone. Allah has a plan for you, and it ain't pretty.

Anne said...

Ineptitude, thy name is New York Bomber. The only better outcome would have been if he had blown HIMSELF to bits in his own car on a lonely road. Alongside HIS family.And pets. And a couple dozen of his close relatives.