Thursday, April 29, 2010

Illegal immigration is now really illegal

Now this is ironic, sort of:

Illegal immigrants are leaving Arizona … because of the uproar over a new law that says they need to to skedaddle if they are in the states illegally. Even though it was already supposed to be illegal to be in this country illegally.

"Nobody wants to pick us up," said one frustrated Mexican day laborer in Arizona. So he and his friends are planning another border crossing. Only this time they’re headed south over the Rio Grande.

Uh, isn’t that the purpose of the new (and redundant) law?

This could start a strange trend.

Bank robbers could stop robbing banks because of a new law that says stickups are not nice.

Kidnappers could stop kidnapping because of – you guessed it – a new law frowning on this familiar practice.

Burglars could take up new careers because of a crackdown on burglary.

In other words, if we pass enough new laws that basically restate what old laws already said, everything will be spiffy.

I dunno. It seems too simple.

Then again, it’s working in Arizona – and the new law hasn’t even taken effect!

But since it is so controversial, what if it’s repealed, and being an illegal immigrant is just illegal again in the old sense?

That didn’t seem to work, so we’d be right back where we started.

I guess we’ll just have to trust the politicians to figure this one out.

Heck, they’ve done a great job with everything else, so this should be a snap.


Anonymous said...

Excellent article! Just enough sarcastic humor for my tastes. It is quite ridiculous that we need a NEW law stating the same thing as the OLD law to get things done.

Massive Ferguson said...

I've visited Canada, God's second-favorite nation, several times, and I can assure you that the borders are not open, farmers don't leave jugs of Tim Horton's tea in the wilderness border areas as acts of mercy, and that Canada does not allow herself to be trod upon by "undocumented workers."