Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Put down the nuclear reactor and slowly back away

Microsoft genius Bill Gates is a nice guy. A little nerdy, but nice.

But I still wouldn’t give him a nuclear reactor.

And this, unfortunately, is what Billy and the Japanese company Toshiba are planning to do.

This is like letting little kids play with matches; nothing good can come from it.

Think about it: Bill Gates, smartest and richest man in the world, teaming up with a computer giant like Toshiba.

That’s scary enough. Give this dynamic duo a nuke, and I think they could pretty much take over the world.

Far-fetched? Don't be naive.

A spokesman for Toshiba said the two sides had just begun to "exchange information" but stressed that "nothing concrete has been decided on development or investment."

Of course not. When you’re planning to take over the world, you don’t tip your hand. Anyone who has watched Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies knows this.

The people of planet earth must nip this little scheme in the bud.

I don’t want my kids to grow up in a world where Microsoft is the only legal software and all men must have goofy Bill Gates-style haircuts.

… Actually, I could live with Microsoft and the endless glitches. The haircuts, however, are a different thing. Ick.


Anne said...

Toshiba is pretty much already in the nuclear business. On your next trip to the hospital/doctor/testing facilty, check out the names on the scanning equipment. Easily, Toshiba has a huge chunk of that market. But just think! A nuke laptop! DUDE! Gotta get me one of those,fer sure! Signals to Mars! The moon channel! Interplanetary dating sites! Woo Hoo!
And there's not a hospital or cardiologist in Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange and most all the medical treatment places in this country that doesn't use radioactive isotopes on a daily basis. And yet, none of us have turned green, sprouted a third eye or broken out in cooties.
This country hasn't built a new reactor in decades and they are wearing out. Time to fire up a new one somewhere.If we don't do it, Japan most certainly will.

Mack said...

Isn't Billy the Mini-Me already?