Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You know you're too fat when ...

… When firefighters have to cut out a window and a wall from your second-floor apartment to get you to the hospital.

Incredibly, that’s what happened to 400-pound Houston woman on Sunday.

She fell in her bathroom and broke her leg, but ambulance crews couldn’t get this plus-sized gal out through the doors.

So they had to do some major surgery on her apartment so she could go to the hospital for some major surgery on her.

This should not have happened. The lady in question should have realized she was too fat when she could barely fit through the doorways to her pad, which apparently consisted of a kitchen, a dining room and nothing else.

Tsk-tsk. There are some warning signs you can’t miss if your’re starting to get too big for your britches. Literally. I mean, you really should know you’re too fat when …

When someone asks you if need a forklift instead of a wheelchair to get around.

When the ambulance calls for an 18-wheeler as a replacement.

When the hospital gives you your own semi-private wing.

When they weigh you on a truck scale.

When you’re too big to get to the competition for “Biggest Loser.”

When you have to wear a tent instead of an XXXL dress.

When the health club revokes your membership because you crushed a treadmill.

… That’s all for now. I’m getting hungry.


Massive Ferguson said...

Okay, but she doesn't ice-skate wearing leaves and body paint.

Anonymous said...

You know you're getting too fat when you sit down in your bathtub and the water in the toilet bowl rises.