Monday, February 08, 2010

Shake it, Peyton

So is Peyton Manning a bad sport for refusing to shake Drew Brees’ hand after the Super Bowl?

You betcha, and his tacky behavior tarnishes his carefully crafted image as The Greatest Quarterback Playing the Game Today.

Qualifier: If Manning couldn’t find Brees when the playing field turned into a scene resembling the French Quarter at midnight, he gets a pass. (Pun intended.)

He doesn’t want to (and shouldn’t have to) wade through a bunch of crazies looking for his counterpart. On those occasions, you give it the old college try, look around for the other QB and then head into the locker room.

But Pouting Peyton didn’t even seem to give it the old high school try, much less the college version. He tried to skedaddle faster than a gambler who had given the Saints and points to a bar room full of people.

Sure, it has to suck big time to lose a Super Bowl, especially when you are The Great Peyton Manning and you were expected to win the big game.

But pro football has this marvelous tradition where players meet in midfield after the game and extend a handshake or backslap to the guy who was just trying to take your head off for the past 60 minutes.

Most other sports don’t have this practice, so you can’t make comparisons to them. The fact is football has it – and it’s a classy thing for a violent game.

Petulant Peyton should man up, admit he was wrong and say he won’t do it again.

Drew Brees woulda done the right thing.

Geaux Saints!


Massive Ferguson said...

Clearly, Tom, you do not work in a milieu (that's, like, y'know, French and stuff) where every poor sod without a life of his own passes the day whispering, shouting, mumbling, chanting, or laughing "Who Dat?" over and over and over and over and over and over and over to the other poor sods, who "Who dat?" in return, all sharing triumphant grins (some with teeth) of joy as part of their daily rhythm of irrelevance involving moldy single-wides, Wal-Mart camouflage, and Dairy Queen.

Bryan H said...

So Peyton Manning has to go find Drew Brees during the media frenzy so that he can earn your approval? Peyton and Drew are friends, and Manning called him that night. It isn't bad sportsmanship, it's bad timing and the result of a Super Bowl free of controversy, so, people like you who like to stir the pot will take something insignificant and blow it up just like every other hack opinion-giver in the country, especially those who most recently have jumped on the Saints bandwagon after years of calling them the 'Aints. Peyton grew up in New Orleans and his father is a Saints legend. He was not being a bad sport or sore loser. Perfunctory handshakes after sporting competitions are important for little kids to learn sportsmanship, but to expect the same from adults is ridiculous. You should focus on all of the good that has come out of the Super Bowl instead of perpetuating a media-created controversy that is really much ado about nothing.

Cletus said...

What good has come out of the Super Bowl? Vague good feelings for fat guys who can't spell their names the same way two times in a row and wear made in China shirts with other folks' names? Massive Ferguson got it right.

Anne said...

I don't see how anyone could call this "The Super Bowl" when there was only ONE! ONE I tell you, Budweiser commercial with the Clydesdales starring in it. So, clearly, either Budweiser has run out of money(HAH!) or this was one of those "snatched-up-by-aliens" events designed to confound the viewing public into believing we wouldn't notice such a boondoggle. I watched every minute of it , except for when I dozed off with an empty wine bottle at my side.
Just sayin'.