Friday, February 05, 2010

He's with stupid

Some people are just not meant to live long, uneventful lives.

Like the moron in Michigan who strapped a homemade rocket to his backside when he was sledding.

The “rocket,” if you can believe it, was an auto muffler filled with gasoline and gunpowder. I kid you not.

It is hard to imagine someone this stupid being able to get out of bed in the morning, much less handle more complicated tasks like driving a car or going shopping.

Incredibly, he was 62 years old. You’d think someone that dumb would have jumped off a roof or leaped in front of a car long ago.

Predictably, the booby trap exploded when it was ignited, causing second-degree burns to Dr. Einstein.

And you cannot be surprised to learn that the clown was known for doing “outrageous things” at his sledding parties.

The news story about this idiot said no charges were filed against him.
Why the hell should they be?

He is clearly trying to kill himself. As long as he doesn’t drag anybody with him, let ’im go!

Heck, if you try to stop him, he might hang around and pass along his genes to someone else.

That would be even worse than putting up with him.

As soon as he gets out of the hospital, someone should dare him to swallow a box of tacks.


Anne said...

Do you ever have the feeling that some people are really and truly ASKING for it?

mezeus said...

Talk about the 'red ass' !!
Is there a proctologist in the house?

Mack said...

One hopes Rocket Man pays his own medical bills.

Galoshes WD-40 said...

Dare I say it? He's no rocket scientist.

Poncy Tworbt, MA said...

The rocket is a white male phallic symbol and its failure is symbolic of the collapse of the eurocentric white male heterosexist culture, and, like, y'know, stuff.