Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pouting Polanski

Poor, poor Roman Polanski.

The brilliant director is said to be glum about his continued incarceration in Switzerland for that little incident way back in ’77 (the rape of a 13-year-old girl).

“I found him to be tired and depressed,” his lawyer said. He added that the Artistic Genius “was in an unsettled state of mind.”

That is, of course, unfortunate. No matter how much other Artistic Geniuses in Hollywood and Paris demand his immediate release, the petty Swiss seem determined to keep Polanski in the slammer.

Moreover, they will probably — gasp, horrors! — stick him on a plane for the states, where he will spend many, many more days behind bars.

They’re not even buying his solemn promises to stay in Switzerland if they let him out on bail!

Is that any way to treat an Artistic Genius!

Uh … yes.

Polanski has dodged justice on this one for 32 years. But the old man stupidly went to a country that will extradite him. So now he’s basically screwed, blued and tattooed.

How sweet it is.


Mack said...

He could share a cell with the remaining Enronders.

Anne said...

I agree with Mack, but I think the Enronders are still prowling around Houston. I just don't think he's cute enough to have any real "social justice" administered to him in the joint. All saggy and scraggy now, he just ain't that hot anymore.

mezeus said...

How about sharing a cell with another entertainment genius. Phil Spector. Didn't the world's most loved woman stand up and defend the 'genius'? OH know, it was OPRAH.

mezeus said...

He finds jail depressing. Now that's depressing.