Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Buccaneer’s luck

There must be a worldwide outbreak of stupid this week.

Now we have Somali pirates who attacked a French warship in the Indian Ocean because they thought it was an unarmed cargo vessel.

Not smart.

On one side, we have a handful of lightly armed pirates on two skiffs.

On the other side, we have an 525-foot naval vessel filled with dozens of French sailors.

You make the call.

Maybe the Somalis believed all that talk about the French being more inclined to surrender rather than fight.

As it is, one skiff got away in the skirmish and it took the French an hour to run down the other one.

Or maybe the French warship didn’t look like a warship because of that cafĂ© on deck with a bunch of guys wearing berets and a bunch of gals in tight skirts drinking wine.

... OK, I made up that last part, but with the French, you never know.


Mack said...

When the Royal Navy protected the seas pirates and slavers were hanged, not a seat at the U.N.

Mack said...

I meant to write "not given a seat at the U.N."

Anne said...

The French ship was partly obscured by the giant, reeking clouds of smoke from the Galoise Cigarettes the French are so fond of. Talk about clouds of obfuscation! That stuff would take the makeup off Hollywood. Plus, the French tried throwing wine bottles but just didn't have the arm needed for the distance. So sad. What have our allies become?
Sacre' bleu!