Thursday, August 06, 2009

Going green (literally)

Finally, an environmental group has come up with an idea you can stand on.

It involves conserving water in, of all places, the shower.

Not by showering less. By going with the flow.

That’s right, eco-freaks. The Brazilian environmental group SOS Mata Atlantica is urging people to take a leak in the shower instead of the toilet.

This simple act, it claims, can help a family save up to 1,157 gallons of water per year. Which in turn will somehow help save the Brazilian rainforest.


Do we really need to encourage people to release their own little jet stream in the shower? Isn’t a lot of this going on anyhow?

How will this help a family save 1,157 gallons of water by flushing less? What if you have a heavy beer drinker in the home; wouldn’t you save even more?

How does this help the rainforest? No one will be cutting down fewer trees or planting less corn on newly cleared land, will they?

If the Brazilian government wants to cut down on bathroom flushes, it needs to install more pay toilets in public places.

You’d have a lot of frustrated people, but at least they’d have a nice rainforest to comfort them as they squirm and look around anxiously.


Massive Ferguson said...

"You attitude's been noticed, comrade, oh, yes, it has! Your attitude's been noticed, you know! Now go pee in the shower!"

-- Block Warden to Yuri in the latest re-make of DOCTOR ZHIVAGO

Sven the Viking said...

I'll pee in the shower when I see the birth certificate, okay?!