Friday, May 29, 2009

More stupid crooks

Further proof that this darned recession is really bad: Criminals are breaking into jails to sell drugs to other criminals.

It happened in Texarkana, Ark., the most famous city in America smack dab on a state line. (Stateline, Nev., doesn't count. It's in Nevada.)

The rocket scientist in question here, one Bobby Finley, age 20, was caught using bolt cutters last year to try to get through the chain-link fence that surrounds the jail.

Why? So he could peddle his stash of cocaine, pot and tobacco to inmates.

Jeez; are jobs in the jail snack bar that hard to get? Couldn’t he try the old gimmick of showing up on visiting day with a few hidden goodies? How about simply bribing a guard?

Noooo. Bobby Brainiac had to do it the hard way, and for his trouble he just got convicted of five felonies and sentenced to — are you ready for this? — 19 years in prison!

On the bright side, he does get credit for the 316 days he spent in jail awaiting trial. Which means he’s a free man in only 18 years!

I think we’ve all learned a lesson here: And that would be that most criminals are stupid and belong behind bars.

… Hey, I didn’t say it was a new lesson, did I?


Sven the Viking said...

Law enforcement in Hardin County is looking for an overweight male carrying a gun -- the problem is, that's just about every guy in Hardin County.

Massive Ferguson said...

Oh, yeah, don't forget the discount-store camouflage -- mossy oaf.

Anne said...

Some people choose their destiny and work really hard for it! Do you suppose he accepted Visa and Master Card? Or did he intend to get paid in some sort of cash substitute, like striped clothes and flip flops and leftover plastic food trays? The economics of this episode escape me.