Friday, February 13, 2009


A Utah woman listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the world’s longest fingernails has lost them in a car crash

Lee Redmond was ejected from an SUV in the crash earlier this week and taken to a hospital in serious condition.

She is expected to survive, but her nails did not. They had not been cut since 1979.

Collectively -- and incredibly -- her nails measured a total of more than 28 feet — and that was in 2008. The longest single nail was the one on her right thumb — 2 feet 11 inches.

… Weird. Very, very, very weird.


Anonymous said...

Darn. I've chipped a nail!

-- Mack

Anonymous said...

I clean my nails with my ol' Ka-Bar. After I pick my tooth.

Sven the Viking