Thursday, September 25, 2008

Palin/Obama debate needed

The presidential campaign has become so mixed up that it’s still not clear if Friday’s debate will come off in Oxford, Miss.

John McCain says the financial meltdown is more important. Barack Obama says talking about ways to freeze the meltdown is more important.


I say scrap the format and reorganize it like this:

Let the two old guys — McCain and Biden — square off against each other. They can both ramble on and on about the good ol’ days and make factual/historical mistakes until one of them gives up.

That leaves the two young and enthusiastic ones to face off — Palin and Obama. That’s who voters care about in this election, and they’d probably have the most interesting things to say.

If the debate ends in a tie, let ’em settle it on a basketball court.

It will be Palin’s feisty defensive skills (as displayed at a high school in Alaska) vs. Obama’s offensive shooting abilities (as displayed at a college in Hawaii).

Now that’s something that would not be ignored by voters.

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