Both are appearing on halftime of “Monday Night Football” with ESPN’s Chris Berman.
Is this a great country or what? Are you ready for some politickin’?
The segments will be taped earlier and played at halftime. Due to my deep contacts in the news media, I have obtained an advance snippet of each interview:
CHRIS BERMAN: So, Sen. McCain, what do you think we’ll see in the second half? Is it time to throw the bomb?
JOHN McCAIN: Yes it is Chris. As the Beach Boys used to sing, “Bomb, bomb, bomb — bomb, bomb, Iran.” … Hey, I’m just joking, Chris. I wouldn’t light up Teheran … unless I had a good reason.
CHRIS BERMAN: Well, Sen. Obama, it’s been quite a game so far. You look like an athletic guy; did you ever want to play football?
BARACK OBAMA: Yes, Chris, I wanted to be a strong safety. … And speaking of that, I want to provide a strong safety net for the millions of Americans who have gotten the shaft from greedy CEOs on Wall Street …
I think it’s time to punt.